I have never understood the vegan movement. Vegetarians already confused me, but vegans absolutely amaze me. You can't eat ANYTHING. And what is so bad about eating meat? Is that not what people have done for millennia and how the natural food chain goes? I understand that we don't keep our livestock in entirely humane conditions, but could you not eat free-range meat or hormone-free products? What's kind of funny about the whole thing is vegetarians will not eat meat with a nine-foot pole, but they're all over the mac and cheese made from cows forcefully milked in a crammed barn. Now that doesn't seem to make sense! I figure if you're going to take a stand you might as well take a stand.
That's where vegans come in. These people are dedicated. One of my teammates in high school is a vegan and she literally eats nothing even related to animals. No Kraft mac and cheese, no chocolate chip cookies, no Cheetos, no Teddy Grahams, no anything! What a terrible terrible life. A vegan's rationale at least makes more sense to me because they are completely against the inhumane treatment of animals and don't eat meat because of it. But then, while I was watching Ellen the other day, she mentioned she was a vegan which is something I did not know about her. She was talking to a guest who was also a vegan and they were saying how much they loved it and Ellen said "yeah it's just great and so environmentally conscious.." Hold up, what? Environmentally conscious, really? Combining all the odd ingredients and artificial things in a big factory with crazy equipment is a whole lot more complicated and polluting than simply killing a chicken for meat (reminds me a little of the recycling craze where it takes more energy to create recycled goods than normal ones).
Being a vegetarian or a vegan has definitely less to do with the animals and the rationale that vegetarians/vegans use to defend their lifestyle, and more to do with attention and "taking a social stand." All of that said, I don't hate people who are vegetarians, a few of my cousins and my friend I mentioned earlier are vegetarians, I just don't fully agree with their logic. I think we should be less wasteful and cruel to animals as well as the environment, but there is no need to take such a stand and think you are doing the world a service. After all, aren't plants "living things" as well? What a cruel, cruel thing to kill so many.